Iraq, CBI has promised to reduce the value of the dollar and the potential to modify the pension law.

03/04/2012 BAGHDAD

A member of the parliamentary Finance Committee Faleh applicable, the registered companies in the Iraqi market for securities is the reason Riisa the high value of the U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar, indicating that the central bank has promised to reduce its value in the next few days.

He said in effect, in a press statement received by the Agency “Secrets News / We are not” on Monday that “the central bank is responsible for fiscal policy and therefore obligated to take measures and controls to preserve the value of Iraqi dinar,” adding that “measures the bank last did not work in raising the value of the dinar Iraqi and inquire about this thing called the Governor of the Central Bank and told me that the measures developed but not implemented by 100% and the promise of its application in the coming days which will then significantly decreased the value of U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar. “

He said in effect that “the companies registered with the Iraqi market for securities is the main reason for this and that because it trades in its share of the dollar that you receive from the bank by selling instead of buying them as currency for goods and goods”. He ruled out a member of the Finance Committee to decrease the value of the U.S. dollar significantly or return as it was.

And the decline of the Iraqi currency exchange rate in a banner during the past few days against foreign currencies, particularly the U.S. dollar, raising fears among the citizens of the continuing decline. And Some attribute this decline to an asylum Central Bank of Iraq to implement more stringent measures in the recent past regarding its sales of hard currency, especially the dollar, which has led to a lack of circulation of U.S. currency in the markets and increase demand and thereby increase its value against the dinar, but others believe that currency’s decline is due mainly to the withdrawal of America and the growing divide between politicians, threatening the stability of the country.

On the other hand said a member of the Finance Committee Faleh force that his committee will form a small committee of its members to amend the retirement law is oppression and injustice raises for retirees. He said in effect that “the Finance Committee determined to amend the retirement law provides a rewarding salary can be retired from the face of the difficult conditions of life.”

He added that “the Finance Committee has taken its first steps to improve the conditions of pensioners increased by approving a financial amount of 50 000 Daina on pensions of less than 400 thousand dinars.”

The House of Representatives has approved a vote on the budget during the financial grant for the current year retirees who paid less than 400 thousand dinars, an increase of 50 000 financial Deyaar amendment of the law until retirement. He said in effect that “the amendment to the law of the forthcoming retirement would end the distinction between the salaries of retirees.”


Nature’s Healing Matrix

Iraq, CBI has promised to reduce the value of the dollar and the potential to modify the pension law.